
Q & A

Common questions and answers.

Common questions and answers

Q1: Who is behind this company?
Noveltyville is currently just one person, Merlyn Gabriel Miller. If all goes well, this will likely change by August 2022.

Q2: Is Noveltyville a legit and registered company?
Yup. All perfectly legal, registered and above board. Just the way it should be.

Noveltyville is registered as ‘Miller Design’ in the Norwegian Company Register at Brønnøysund. And the organisation number is 827 452 262.

Since the company presently consists of only one individual, by Norwegian law, the founder’s name has to be part of the legal company name, even though the brand name they operate under may be different.

Q3: Can I buy stocks in your company?
Not at the moment. Ask again in a few years.

Right now, Noveltyville is a sole proprietorship. There are no stocks to buy. As soon as the company starts to grow, this may change.

Once converted into a stock company, the first priority will be to offer stocks to Noveltyville employees. This is because the founder (yours truly) believes that people should recieve a just portion of the fruits of their labour.

Noveltyville may or may not appear on the public stock exchange. That is a decision for future (employee) stock holders to decide.

Q4: Why is Noveltyville looking for affiliates?
Because one overworked monkey is not enough to make a brand successful. And that is all Noveltyville is right now.

Affiliates are a great resource for any company, but especially those just starting out. It increases your brand reach, lowers your promotion costs, and gives you the benefits of a team without the expenses (which a startup may not be able to afford).

Q5: What kind of affiliates are you looking for?
Live ones ðŸ˜‚

Ideally, people who like what Noveltyville does. It’s a lot easier to sell something that you believe in, that you have tried, are using, or that you love.

Q6: Why should I become a Noveltyville affiliate?
There are only TWO good reasons why you should sign up.

One: You like what we do (the most important reason).
Two: You want to make money.

That’s it.

Q7: How can I become a successful affiliate?
The affiliate bootcamp was created to help new and struggling affiliates.

The bootcamp contains the basics for signing up, finding your affiliate links, selecting good products to promote, tips on how and where you can promote these links, and other useful bits.

Many have heard of affiliate marketing, but don’t really know how to go about it, so they miss out on a great earning opportunity. Some have been at it a while, but can’t really seem to make it work for them. Both of these groups will benefit from Noveltyville’s affiliate bootcamp series.

You should also check out our resources page, as a lot of useful stuff gets posted there.

Q8: How can I get in touch with you?
Noveltyville is most active on Twitter, so if you’re in a hurry you’ll get a quicker response there. If you’re not on Twitter, use the form below.

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